Fields of Fire

Fields of Fire is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Eliminate the Rotten Ward Patrollers and Archers in Vehemence along with the Hewscar Patrollers and Archers in Iratus, and steal the Corrupted supplies being stockpiled

Quest Giver:

Watcher Crump, nice to meet you. Warden Yseult let us know you're able to handle yourself. That's a good thing, because up here it seems all we have are problems. Help from an experienced hand like yourself would be a welcome boon.

Along the main road to the southeast, the Greyjacks set up two forts: Vehemence and Iratus. We'd built them to give us a good defensive position to cover the main roadway, and keep the Corruption contained above the rift. Unfortunately... that good planning is being used against us.

With the Corrupted taking those forts, they have a stranglehold on traffic through the area, allowing only their own supplies to get through. We need you to cut down the Patrollers and Archers in each fort to keep them from harassing the Greyjacks who carry our supplies. While you're in there, see if you can find out what's been going in and out of those forts. Who knows what "supplies" the Corrupted need?


We could really use your help here. We've been whittled thin here in the north, and I don't expect much in the way of reinforcements any time soon.

If you can take care of those forts, we'll be able to slip a few people back and forth between this outpost and Mountainrise to the east, at least during the short time that the Corrupted are regrouping.


That was perfect! We had a couple of Rangers shadow you and slip past the forts while you kept all of the attention on yourself. They were able to link up with Rangers from Mountainrise and exchanged information before getting back here.

Seems like they're surviving over there, though they have some unique problems of their own. But, we know that they're holding the line, and that's what counts!