Red Curtains
Critical strikes reduce all cooldowns by 5%.
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Gain 25% increased damage on your next light or heavy attack after performing an ability. Ends on hit or after 3 seconds.
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Deal 10% more damage when your stamina is below 40%.
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+3% Haste for 4 seconds on any hit. Can stack up to 5 times.
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Controlled Breathing
+3 stamina on any hit.
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Deal 10% more damage when your health is full.
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Individual successful light attacks reduce the cooldown of this ability by 30% each.
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Evading forward gains 15% increased damage on your next light attack. Ends on hit or after 1 second.
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Gain 20% movement speed for 3 seconds on use.
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Breathe In
Gain 20 stamina immediately on use.
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Perform a small, reliable sidestep in your current movement direction that cancels any current activity and provides momentary invulnerability. 'Light Attack's made during Evade are performed exceptionally fast.
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Pressing 'Light Attack' any time during Fleche will stop and perform a static, continuation attack dealing 114.99999999999999% damage.
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After performing Fleche, your next critical strike attack will have its damage increased by 15%. Lasts for 5 seconds.
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Quick Lunge
Killing with this ability reduces its cooldown by 80%.
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Leave the ground lunging forward for 10m in a stabbing motion piercing through enemies dealing 145% damage.
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Lasting Consequence
Increase the stun from Riposte to 2 seconds.
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Reduce the cooldown of other Rapier abilities by 20% when landing a Riposte stun.
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Insult to Injury
If the Riposte is triggered successfully, all your attacts become uninterruptable for 3 seconds.
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Enter into a defensive stance for 1 second. If struck during this ability, counter the attacker stunning them briefly for 1.5 seconds. You are briefly invulnerable upon a successful Riposte.
Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equiped in your rapier, This ability cause a 4s taunts to all foes within 5m. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.)
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Deal 10% more damage when your target has greater than 50% health.
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