Toppling Giants

Toppling Giants is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Defeat The Abberation in Splitlimb Den and return to Overseer Saville.

Quest Giver:

Though normally the Withered are a trivial problem here, there is one threat from them that I feel is pressing to deal with. As such, I may need your aid to address it.

To the southeast lies a den that is a refuge for the Withered, but also houses a giant that travelers have called "The Abberation." Rumors of this giant has paralyzed travel to the south, as many fear taking the path and being ambused by the Withered, or worse yet The Abberation itself.

Though the task itself is simple, it may be quite difficult to accomplish. Your battle skills make you the perfect person to ask. Go to Splitlimb Den in the southeast, clear the den of the Enthralled Withered, and defeat The Abberation.


Defeating The Abberation is quite literally a Goliath of a task. We call the den "Splitlimb" due to adventurers coming back broken and bruise attempting to take him down. You're quite courageous to try. Would you happen to have anyone named David in your family ancestry?


I'm glad to see that you've returned. You don't seem to have a broken bone on you! Or, at least, no bones visibly jutting out of your skin.

I'll send word to Bixford and the other Magistrates that The Abberation has been defeated and that our southern path is safe once more.

This safety may be temporary, he may reconsititute just as we do. But, knowing that he can be defeated will lead others to follow in your footsteps. Thank you.