New World Launch Error: Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed.

by: admin on August 24, 2021 07:06 AM

Some players may receive the following error when trying to play New World:

Launch Error: Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed.

This error indicates that EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) wasn't installed correctly during the game installation process. You just need to reinstall it (or install it if it's not installed at all). This is what you need to do to repair the problem:

The Easy Anti-Cheat service is typically installed automatically with each game and uninstalled automatically when the last game using Easy Anti-Cheat is removed from your system.

You can also install the service manually. To do so navigate to the "EasyAntiCheat" folder inside of the game's installation folder and locate "EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe". Launch it as administrator and

  • Choose 'Install' if it's not installed yet.
  • Choose Repair if your Easy Anti-Cheat installation becomes corrupted somehow

Here is a link to the official guise from EAC