Possible Pirates

Possible Pirates is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Go to La Escamilla in search of who could have possibly taken the tools and kill what you find.

Quest Giver:

Now that you've successfully resupplied the forge there is the matter of who took the tools in the first place. I can't bring myself to suspect anyone in the settlement, but there is a pirate ship off the coast I'd venture to guess is no stranger to stolen cargo. Go to La Escamilla and see if any living are hiding amongst the wreckage. They may be to blame for our forging tools growing legs.


La Escamilla crash-landed here long ago, but it is not unheard of for such wrecks to be occupied by new settlers or roving pirate bands looking for a new hideout. Please check there to see if our tools turn up anywhere. If they aren't there, then I am truly stumped as to where they have gone...


There weren't even pirates there, living or undead? Hm, now this is a mystery indeed. Ghosts cannot make off with tools, so I am afraid it was indeed someone in the settlement who stole them. This is quite worrisome. We share all we need here and function as a settlement because we don't think only of ourselves. I must meditate on this theft and affront to our way of life. Thank you for trying, adventurer. Perhaps some day we will have a method of punishment for those who commit such acts.