Corroded Boundaries

Corroded Boundaries is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Prove yourself to the Covenant by cleansing Merrill's Place of the Corrupted, and recovering whatever the villagers left behind

Quest Giver:

These Corrupted... They will never grasp the true and divine purpose of azoth, or of Aeternum! And the others... secret knowledge, glory and riches, bah! None of them can see that the Corrupted are the enemy of all humanity! But their squabbling, the reason for the Pact, have let these Corrupted take hold even this far south of the Mountain!

Newcomer, if you have truly been sent by divine providence to aid us, I must ask a favor. A farm to the west, Merrill's Place, has been claimed by the Rusted Fork Corrupted. I would ask you to travel there and strike down the Rusted Forks, and recover whatever you can from the former residents of the village.


Those who suffer, as the Rusted Forks must, should be brought to the light, as I was! Sometimes dim, often blinding, but always present... and always there to fight against the Corruption! You can strike a blow on this day, in fending off the hordes at Merrill's Place, that may help us drive the Corruption wholly from Aeternum's shores! It is our destiny that we lay claim this island in the name of all that is good!