Muzzling Orthrus

Muzzling Orthrus is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Eliminate the Anchorshot Agents Ambrose and Zebulon at Nyhart's Anchorage

Quest Giver:

Hey there, again! So I have a bit of a problem, and I think you're the perfect person to help me out!

See, in the bay north of here is a place called Nyhart's Anchorage, full of those Anchorshot Pirates who haven't quite realized they're dead. Those are bad enough, but they're led by two brothers, big and mean guys. Somehow, they're able to still order the other pirates to keep pirating, which is the problem. They still harass travelers and sometimes even make it down this far!

Can you get rid of the two brothers, and maybe help slow down these attacks?


I'd lead you up there myself, but I'm not a good fighter... would probably just get in your way. I'm much better for books and records, and keeping track of things.

The Anchorage is north of here, just follow the coastline. Those two scoundrels should be around somewhere... I heard one of them tends to stay on the nearby ship.


Nyhart's Anchorage was going to be such a nice place... and then everything turned out so terribly. We had plans to be the trading hub on the bay, plenty of space for all kinds of ships to dock, and for merchants to sell their wares. My head still hurts thinking about it. I used to live up there, you know...

The pirates attacked, and everyone was running... I tripped, then everything went black and I woke up here. People say I'm a bit different now, but it isn't bad. I feel happier... especially after you were able to beat up those Anchorshot bullies. Thanks!