Northeast of Eden

Northeast of Eden is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Warden Ducquet points you to Ranger Wardell in the Outpost of northeast Edengrove.

Quest Giver:

Your aid in dealing with the Corrupted in the Profane Seam has been exemplary. With that in mind, I find that our Outpost to the northeast may need your aid as well.

The area is guarded by my fellow Greyjacks, and the keen eye that keeps it going is the Ranger I'd trust my life to: Ranger Wardell.

I'm certain your aid would be of prime use up there. Go to the northeast and speak with Ranger Wardell, you'll find him a man of few words but an ally worth keeping.


The journey northeast will be a difficult one, that I can assure you.


Come from Malice have you? From Ducquet? Hm, that's quite the journey...

If you have need, stay and rest here. If you've come here with Ducquet's good word, I'd say the reports of your work in the Seam are true.

We could always use a hand here. The Greyjacks of Edengrove are in your debt.