Fading Lights

Fading Lights is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Investigate the Ancient Guardians and their movements in the Primal Lochan.

Quest Giver:

The Corrupted are a major concern in the north of Aeternum, but the Ancient Guardians are as well. The skeletons from Mourningdale may engage at any point. The thought frightens me.

Go to the area we call the Primal Lochan. It's inhabitants are nothing but bones. Test the strength of the Ancient Guardians there, and their intentions.


Though the Ancient Guardians seem slow, they brutally cut down anything that threatens their ruins. I fear they may attempt reclaim what may have been once theirs.


Hm, they shuffle around in their endless patrol of the Lochan. Trapped in an eternal duty, like a stasis since ancient times. How vaguely familiar.

My duty as a Greyjack is simple, and I continue my watch just as those skeletons do. Will I, too, lose all but my bones to my duty?

...For now, knowing enough that the skeletons are trapped in their eternal duty to guard the ruins is enough for me. I'll leave the philosophy of it to men of the quill.