Ancient Truths, Ancient Lies

Ancient Truths, Ancient Lies is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Defeat Fineseer foot soldiers while climbing to the top of Vela, and show its treasure to the Stranger Gildon.

Quest Giver:

The objects you bring me are a warming light in the cold darkness of my mind. But blinding darkness only gives way to blinding light. I must ask you to bring me more.

I see a Watchtower, ancient and powerful. It stands tall, and its strict eye casts its gaze over the entire island. I had visions of treasure at its peak. The Watchtower is more ancient than any of our Watchers on this island, why does it beckon so?

A darkened sky, akin to night, stars above, and a blinding light...

Go to the top of Vela, and bring me any relic of the Fineseers you may find there. It must be there.


Vela is shrouded with mystery. The Guardians stand at the top, like an undying duty. What do they see, perched so high?


Vela is in a prime position to see the Outposts and Lookouts that dot the island. Though the purpose of their watch is lost to time, the skeletons there still continue on. Let me see that spyglass. Perhaps, if I look through it...

Visions in my eyes... Visions of the peak of the tower. Blue lights across the island, like constellations of the earth. But, no. A large explosion of light, to the far southeast. So bright, it blinds me, and the sound of shattering stone.

I shall give you this new page. These visions are becoming more vivid, more concerning, but reveal so much to me. I must rest again, these visions tear my soul.