All That's Left Not Torn Asunder

All That's Left Not Torn Asunder is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Recover the Forgotten Supplies from Sunderfort, and deliver them to Warden Phan at Eastburn Outpost

Quest Giver:

Thank you again for recovering Patricia's belongings. It didn't seem right to let her cloak just rot down there in the cold, or for some Corrupted husk to carry her Heartgem. She was a great woman, before... now you've made sure that will be remembered.

Thinking about the past, I wonder... Right before the attack, we had received word of a shipment of supplies to be taken to Sunderfort, in the valley to the west. I don't think it was ever accounted for, in all of the chaos... which means it may still be there!

Would you be willing to look into it? Those supplies would be a huge help, and I'm certain the Warden would reward you for the effort!


Think of it! Dried fruit, or perhaps even jerked fish... Clean weapons, new armor, fresh shot... There could be anything in there!

Please, find whatever you can in Sunderfort! Anything extra would be a massive boon to us.


Hello again! What's that you have with you there?

Wait... just wait. You mean to tell me that you marched into Sunderfort on your own, fought off the Corrupted, found a cache of supplies that had been forgotten about, then just... walked back out? Simple as that, eh?

Ha! I'dve traded my best pair of boots for a dozen of you during the Corrupted advance. Maybe we could've held off their push, and kept them from pushing this far south. This is amazing, thank you. Here, please take this. It is the least that we can do to help you in return.