Root of the Problem

Root of the Problem is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Take evidence of the blight in Fong Family Orchard and Arruda Ranch to Overseer Saville.

Quest Giver:

Informing the Overseer of this blight in the south is of the utmost importance. I feel sympathy for the farmers that had to flee those Withered monsters, but simply leaving the blight behind was irresponsible and destructive to the land. We must prevent it from reaching the settlement.

If anyone knows how to address the blight, it will be Saville. Gather evidence of the blight at Fong Family Orchard and Arruda Ranch, and deliver them to Overseer Saville.


Preventing the blight from spreading north is pivotal to our well-being here. Gather what you can and give it to Overseer Saville.