Preacher Johannes

Preacher Johannes is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Search Ballard's Curse for remnants of Preacher Johannes and his influence in the Brackwater Area.

Quest Giver:

The injustices of Brightwood unfortunately do not stop at the Inquisitor. To the west, in the area of Brackwater, a preacher named Johannes enthralled Brackwater's inhabitants long ago.

They were misled, unfortunately, by the maddened preacher, and it cost them their very souls. Their undead bodies haunt the area to this very day.

Their story strikes a deep pity in my heart. Bring me the remnants of their misgivings, and hopefully we can bring justice to their poor souls.


Have you gone to the church in Brackwater? I believe it's called Ballard's Curse now. They must have congregated there often.


These books and amulets must have been the congregation's undoing. Johannes convinced them that azoth was a divine power. Unfortunately, that must have been the entire congregation's demise. Azoth is quite powerful, but when misused can be devastating on the soul.

Thank you for investigating, I feel like I understand those who inhabited Brackwater a bit more clearly now. I can see my own beliefs reflected in these books, and I wonder if I too would have been led astray by Johannes...

I'll see to it that these books and amulets are cleansed, and that the people of Brackwater see justice.