How Bright the Azoth Flame

How Bright the Azoth Flame is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Collect Crests from the Brightbeacon Guardians throughout Light's Crown, and search for any connection between Elafry Pyrgo and Pyrgos Nao.

Quest Giver:

Now that this Azoth Staff business is out of the way... have you perhaps seen the Ancient tower Elafry Pyrgo on the cliffs above us? It burns with the light of azoth, day or night, and taunts me with its enigmatic glow.

I recently came into possession of an odd sort of crest gathered from one of the Brightbeacon Guardians near the temple-like structure of Pyrgos Nao, causing me to wonder... Were there different sects of these Guardians? Did these sects have differing duties and responsibilities? With all of our focus on the Ancients, little thought has been given to their Guardians.

I'd like you to help me remedy that, and investigate this further. Obtain more of these crests from the Brightbeacon Guardians, and attempt to determine if there is a connection between the lighthouse and this Pyrgos Nao.


How long has that tower burned? I don't recall it being lit when I arrived, but perhaps I was not paying close enough attention. There were so many things to see, to experience, to document...

If there is a connection between Elafry Pyrgo and Pyrgos Nao, you must discover it. Their names are even similar, so I would hope there is something there.


I'm burning up with curiosity! What did you find up there?

Ahh, I was correct! Each of the Guardians seems to have had this crest with them, though I'm unsure what it is meant to indicate. It must have had importance if each had one.

And this prism, most exquisite craftsmanship. When I hold it up to the light... no light passes through, almost as though it absorbs it somehow. I wonder if the prism passed between the lighthouse and temple in some ceremonial way, possibly absorbing light from the temple to be carried into the lighthouse? More investigation is certainly required!

For now, my friend, I have one final expedition for you to undertake.