Ruby Recurve

Ruby Recurve is a Tier 5 Rare rarity bow in New World MMORPG. It has 500 - 600 Gear Score. Deals 64 damage. Gives bonus attributes on equip: 10 Strength, 20 Dexterity. It will occupy 26.6 kg of capacity in your inventory.

The item has 2 useful perks: Refreshing Move, Keenly Empowered.

The characteristics of this bow are scaling of 1 attribute: Dexterity (DEX).

Ruby Recurve
Gear Score
64 Base Damage
5% Critical Hit Chance
1.3 Critical Damage Multiplier
42 Block Stamina Damage
42 Stagger Damage
Refreshing Move: Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by NaN%.
Keenly Empowered: On Critical: gain NaN% Empower NaNs. (Cooldown NaN s.)
"A bright red ruby sits on both limbs of this longbow. When it catches the light just right, it is more beautiful than anything you have ever seen."
Named Item
Tier: 5
Scales with: Dexterity 100%
26.6 Weight