Ceremonial Ranseur of Sacrifice

Ceremonial Ranseur of Sacrifice is a Tier 4 Epic rarity spear in New World MMORPG. It has 455 Gear Score. Deals 70 damage. Gives bonus attributes on equip: 22.17 Dexterity. It will occupy 9.6 kg of capacity in your inventory.

The item has 3 useful perks: Rally III, Keenly Jagged, Vicious.

The characteristics of this spear are scaling of 2 attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX).

Pay attention: the item becomes personal when you receive it. So you can't sell it or give it to another player.

Ceremonial Ranseur of Sacrifice
Gear Score
70 Base Damage
5% Critical Hit Chance
1.3 Critical Damage Multiplier
46 Block Stamina Damage
46 Stagger Damage
23% Block Stability
Rally III: +12% damage and outgoing healing while at full health.
Keenly Jagged: On Crit: cause bleed that deals 7% weapon damage per second for 10.0s. ( 10.0s cooldown.)
Vicious: +8.8% critical damage.
"Far more than a ceremonial weapon, this ranseur was honed sharp and used often."
Binds On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 4
Scales with: Dexterity 90% Strength 65%
9.6 Weight