Accelerating Light's Embrace

Accelerating Light's Embrace is a perk in New World MMO. It has the following bonus: Allies below full health gain Haste when hit with Light's Embrace, increasing movement speed by 23.2% for 3 Seconds. We have found 17 items with this perk in our database.

Accelerating Light's Embrace
Allies below full health gain Haste when hit with Light's Embrace, increasing movement speed by 23.2% for 3 Seconds.

Items with this perk

Total: 17
Title Description Tier
Reinforced Starmetal Life Staff Charm Crafting item with an attunement to the Accelerating Light's Embrace perk.
Abomination's Staff This staff hums in your hands menacingly, as though it is unwilling to perform the task at hand. 3
Beam Eternal Rewarded for completing the quest, 'Reaper's Locus'. 3
Stormcaller "I call upon the elements to strike down my enemy!" 4
Shadowbringer's Life Staff of the Sage "Mercy fades as the dusklight wanes. What cruelties will you inflict upon those that wander in your shadow?" 4
Wraith Hunter's Life Staff of the Sage "Wraith. Apparitions. Ghouls. I will purge them in whatever form they take." 4
Duplicitous Intent "My intentions surely are pure." 4
Stolen Soul "A soul rattles around inside the staff, begging for freedom. In quiet times you hear its screams." 4
Warmage's Life Staff "What war has ever been won without a great healer?" 5
Greatstaff of Storm's Might "We cannot hope to control the storm's power, only channel it for a short time." 5
Edengrove's Hope "Stand with nature and defend her. For she is pure of heart and gives hope to all around her." 5
Ophan's Life Staff of the Sage "Our work is eternal. If ever we stop watching, the world will fade." 5
Fanatic's Life Staff of the Sage "His eagerness to spread the message of his faith was equal only to his willingness to denouce those who did not share it." 5
Doomsinger's Life Staff of the Sage "Her tears blackened and boiled, as though they were oil. She opened her mouth; from her throat came music that ended the minds of all around her." 5
Ragebearer's Life Staff of the Sage "Fury can make one brash. Rage makes one focused." 5
Shaman Queen "I am the sacred female. The giver of life." 5
Glimmering Mercy Inspires the heart, and its song heals the soul. 5