Heir's Domain

Heir's Domain is a Tier 4 Rare rarity spear in New World MMORPG. It has 400 - 500 Gear Score. Deals 70 damage. Gives bonus attributes on equip: 10 Focus, 20 Dexterity. It will occupy 9.6 kg of capacity in your inventory.

The item has 1 useful perk: Chain Void. There is also an empty socket for a Gem.

The characteristics of this spear are scaling of 2 attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX).

Pay attention: the item becomes personal when you receive it. So you can't sell it or give it to another player.

Heir's Domain
Gear Score
70 Base Damage
5% Critical Hit Chance
1.3 Critical Damage Multiplier
46 Block Stamina Damage
46 Stagger Damage
23% Block Stability
Chain Void: On hit cause a Chain Void attack that bounces between close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
"To learn to rule is no easy task."
Binds On Pickup
Named Item
Tier: 4
Scales with: Dexterity 90% Strength 65%
9.6 Weight