Unholy Green Thumb is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Defeat the Curse of the Eldritch in the Roots of Pain to collect soil samples.
Hey there, you look like you could use a drink! Lucky for you, I'm just the right person to serve one. I'm Lau, the Barkeep for this settlement.
I'll let you in on a little secret: the best pint is often brewed in your own backyard. I fancy myself the brewer to do it! But I could use some help with my latest idea...
I need something that will bring these brave adventurers from all over Aeternum to my fine establishment. I have the means to grow hops, and a green thumb to match, but I must collect local soils and decide which will impart the best flavor to my Graveyard Brew.
If you get me a good soil sample from the Roots of Pain in Brightwood, I'll make it worth your while.
Though graverobbing is a crime that is punishable on this island, it is not officially graverobbing until you rob a grave. Collecting soil isn't a crime. Go and do just that, no more.
Ah, do you not feel accomplished to have dirt under your nails and a song in your heart? Give the soil here.
Yes, I can see... The richness of this mulch is quite luxurious. There may be some loose sediment to sort out, but this soil will raise fine plants for many seasons. I can see this contributing to a fine brew.
Thank you again!