Malice Aforethought

Malice Aforethought is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Break the southern defenses of the Corrupted by attacking the Frontwatch Corrupted and their Guardhounds

Quest Giver:

Ho there! I don't recognize your face. It's rare to see anyone new who isn't Corrupted in these lands, and you must have some fighting skill to have made it this far north. I'm Warden Phan of the Greyjack Rangers.

I know you've only just arrived, but the Greyjacks need your assistance. To the south at Cleaves Malice is a huge defensive wall, built by the Corrupted. You may have already slipped past it, depends on how you arrived here. The defenses they've put in place have cut off one of our major routes to get supplies from the southlands. We're still able to bring some in through Edengrove, but having to haul everything over the mountains limits what and how much we can bring in.

We need you to punch a hole in the guards there, and eliminate some of those devilish Guardhounds they have serving them. Oh, and you may wish to speak to Watcher Sexton, if you haven't already. He's been itching to head down there himself.


We desperately need to be able to bring in more supplies. Our forces have taken extreme losses, and we can't have those that remain laid up with sickness or fatigue from lack of food.

Please, help us break through that defensive line, even just for a short time!


You've done it! A few of our Rangers were able to slip through during the commotion you caused and delivered additional supplies. It was only what they were able to carry, and it doesn't fix the problem permanently, but it will let us hold out for at least a while longer.

On behalf of the Greyjacks, I thank you. It may not seem like much, but you've stricken a blow against the Corruption this day. We just need more hits like that, start taking the fight to them, and we'll have a real chance to push them back!