Enemy of My Enemy

Enemy of My Enemy is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Collect Bile from Bilemouth at Meadow Lake Fishery for Magistrate Clark.

Quest Giver:

Have you ever wondered of the connection between the Withered and the Corrupted? They seem to avoid one another, and not mix as much as one would expect villainous scum to. I have an idea. You must know by now of the diseased Withered whose spit corrodes and infects all it touches. I know not whether the Corrupted are susceptible to disease, but I must try and see for the sake of the settlement. Collect the bile of the foul creatures from the Fishery known as the Bilemouth to the north for my study.


Will you not collect the bile? I suppose I understand if you're squeamish, but for the sake of the Everfall settlement and all settlements across Aeternum I must know if my hypothesis about Corrupted susceptibility to Bilemouth disease is true.


Oh, now that is a foul, foul smell about you. Brilliant! I will take the bile and initiate the next step of my plan, to rub it on the meat the Corrupted devour in hordes. We know the Corrupted need to eat with their legions of cooks and butchers, and hopefully their senses are dulled enough to eat tainted food. We could bring them down without even fighting them!