Contact the Syndicate

Contact the Syndicate is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Meet with Alchemist Jansz

Quest Giver:

You truly have what it takes to join the ranks of the Marauders! I would gladly offer you a position with our order, to march with us as we charge northward to fight the Corrupted... However, before you may enlist with us, our Pact with the other Factions requires you to be fully informed of all sides of this conflict, inane as the others may be.

You must next speak with the Syndicate Alchemist, Jansz. Her ways are strange... She seeks powers and knowledge that are not meant for this place. As the Pact binds me, I release you to speak with her, but do not believe her vile lies and manipulations.


I thought you were going to speak to Alchemist Jansz? She is probably hiding in shadows like the rest of her cowardly compatriots, staring at bones and rocks for some kind of mystical answer to the island's problems.