Alchemy and Piracy

Alchemy and Piracy is a Quest in New World MMORPG. Objective: Explore Abadier's Anger and return any spoils you find to Syndicate Alchemist Tuit.

Quest Giver:

One of the shipwrecks in the area was a vessel run by a pirate named Abadier who was driven mad by his pursuits in alchemy. His crew expanded as he touted the ability to turn metal to gold. Now, we know the philosophers' stone and gold transmutation to be a pipe dream, not even azoth can accomplish this, but his stock of alchemic components is invaluable to the Syndicate.

Go to Abadier's Anger, loot anything you can off the shambling pirate crew there, and return with whatever you find.


If you thirst for knowledge like I do, the Syndicate may be a home for you on this island. The island has many secrets, and yet the other factions don't strive to uncover them. The Syndicate knows that knowledge is the most powerful of all, but on this island sometimes the pursuit of knowledge requires cracking open more than books.