Refreshing Ward is a perk in New World MMO. It has the following bonus: Reduces active cooldowns by 1.9% after being hit 5 times. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. We have found 316 items with this perk in our database.
Title | Description | Tier | |
Shimmering Animus | Crafting item with an attunement to the Refreshing Ward perk. | ||
Watcher's Waterdamaged Chestguard | "The Watchers often end up entagled in some rabble with the Drowned, causing a significant amount of damage to their leather armor." | 2 | |
Guardian's Grips | "If you are to hope to protect me you first need a good pair of gloves." | 3 | |
Carved Mask Of The Sentry | A carved wooden mask. | 4 | |
Blessed Boots | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful Sorceries of the Ancients. | 4 | |
Blessed Greaves | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful Sorceries of the Ancients. | 4 | |
Blessed Gauntlets | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful Sorceries of the Ancients. | 4 | |
Blessed Breastplate | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful Sorceries of the Ancients. | 4 | |
Blessed Helm | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful Sorceries of the Ancients. | 4 | |
Heretic Boots | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful abominations of the Corrupted. | 4 | |
Heretic Greaves | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful abominations of the Corrupted. | 4 | |
Heretic Gauntlets | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful abominations of the Corrupted. | 4 | |
Heretic Breastplate | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful abominations of the Corrupted. | 4 | |
Heretic Helm | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful abominations of the Corrupted. | 4 | |
Plunderer Boots | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful summons of the Lost. | 4 | |
Plunderer Greaves | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful summons of the Lost. | 4 | |
Plunderer Gauntlets | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful summons of the Lost. | 4 | |
Plunderer Breastplate | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful summons of the Lost. | 4 | |
Plunderer Helm | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful summons of the Lost. | 4 | |
Sprigganbane Boots | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful constructs of the Angry Earth. | 4 | |
Sprigganbane Greaves | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful constructs of the Angry Earth. | 4 | |
Sprigganbane Gauntlets | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful constructs of the Angry Earth. | 4 | |
Sprigganbane Breastplate | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful constructs of the Angry Earth. | 4 | |
Sprigganbane Helm | Armor awarded for defeating one of the most powerful constructs of the Angry Earth. | 4 | |
Swashbuckler's Earring | Rewarded for completing the quest, 'Pirate Island'. | 4 |