Keen Speed

Keen Speed is a perk in New World MMO. It has the following bonus: On Critical: gain 30.0% Haste 2.0s. (Cooldown 10.0 s.) We have found 41 items with this perk in our database.

Keen Speed
On Critical: gain 30.0% Haste 2.0s. (Cooldown 10.0 s.)

Items with this perk

Total: 41
Title Description Tier
Huge Elk Hoof Crafting item with an attunement to the Keen Speed perk.
Longreach "Nothing in this life is beyond your grasp." 3
Breachforged Spear "This spear was crafted by dark engineers on the other side of the veil." 3
Flaming Branch "A massive branch with an everburning flame affixed to the end." 3
Crow's Nest "The lookout was the first to set her eyes on the mythical island. After months battling the waves at sea, the crew would now turn their eyes towards a new foe." 3
Frozen Embrace "Some people tell tales of a woman in the snow, a Yuki-onna. If you see her, stay away." 4
Temple Explorer's Pike "When delving in ruins it is wise to carry a large weapon." 4
Forward Progress "Ancient scientists cared little for conflict, but they found weapons useful to further their research." 4
Smoldering Dryad Killer "Dryad's are like weeds... a bit of fire and they're gone for good." 4
Frostfang "The biting cold is surely the worst way to die." 4
Pacifist "I do not wish to harm you. Step aways. that no one must be hurt." 4
Ramu's Battleaxe "A well oiled axe can keep any adventurer alive." 4
Obsidian Rapier "The obsidian is sharpened and tempered, a fine blade." 3
Cauterizer "Not a drop of blood lost." 3
Dewfrost "The staff glistens in the morning light as rays of light reflect off the fine metal." 4
Heretic's Flintlock "Ignore the barrel poined at your head, just listen to what I have to say!" 4
Gripping Rime "The rime of the winter seas change a person. Be wary." 5
Assassination Blade "Depose the king, depose the queen, it's all the same to me. So long as there is coin in my pocket, I will kill whoever you ask." 5
Warmage's Life Staff "What war has ever been won without a great healer?" 5
Staff of Cavernous Horrors "Do not delve into the caverns for you do not know what horrors await you." 5
Ascension "Rise up and meet your challenge." 5
Burning Void "Do not let the darkness fool you. The void burns all the same." 5
Virulent Edge "The axe itself seems to be diseased, cursed to infect all who may be struck by it." 5
Conquest "We are constantly at war with the forces of the island, and yet we still find time to war against one another." 5
Blood and Flesh "Look no further if you hunger for the sight of blood. With this in hand you shall feast your eyes." 5