Settler Tales

Settler Tales is a piece of Lore in New World MMORPG. It's a part of Tales of Windsward.

A Better Life

Found in Primrose

We headed west from the settlement, looking to establish our homestead near the river. My family had always been farmers as well as fishermen, and we hoped to maintain that tradition.
Wide open fields greeted us once we emerged from the rocky woodlands, and it didn't take long to find a perfect space to set the foundation for our life here in Aeternum. Anna Maria is pleased with the spot, and has already started planning where she'll put her spinning wheel.

Bountiful Harvest

Found in Primrose

This land is amazing! We planted our first crops only a short time ago, and they're already fully grown and producing! Corn, potatoes, carrots, squash, everything is coming in. And the fish! I was able to pull them out of the river with my bare hands, there were so many.
There will never be a reason to go hungry here — no worries about spoiled harvests, no surviving the hard months on potatoes and gruel.
This truly is Paradise.

Hidden Treasures

A crumpled page found in Cooper's Ranch

Finished tilling up a new field for planting, and spent most of the time clearing all kinds of rocks from the place. Looked like someone had just poured them out, right below the topsoil.
Couple of the farmhands were slacking off and throwing the rocks around... and damned if one didn't break open and have some kind of crystals inside! Don't know what they are, but they're pretty. Might fetch a good price the next time we go in to market.

Shards Like Glowing Embers

A weather-battered report found in Kannan Tomb

Scattered almost haphazardly throughout this digsite, the crew and I have found these strange reddish-orange crystal shards. Approximately the size of my palm, give or take, they are light but incredibly strong. It is unclear what they may have been used for, but given the tool marks on the edges, these may have been common to the Ancients. They could have even been decoration on something that has long since been lost to time, or common tools, or have any number of other uses.

Protection from Evil

A page from a farmhand's diary, found near Merrill's Place

What with all the Withered things and Corrupted things being seen nearby, I sent off to Adjudicator Dempster for something I can use to protect myself and my kin. Maybe he'll have some kind of charm to keep the evil away from here, or could come out himself and bless the farm. Should get our delivery in tomorrow or the day after, so I'll find out soon enough. Until then, there's more work to do. Just traded with the miners to the south for some of our crop, so now we have crates full of raw ore sitting around... maybe we can trade it in the settlement for some new boots and tools?