Shores of First Light

Shores of First Light is a piece of Lore in New World MMORPG. It's a part of Tales of First Light.

Daily Reporting

Found in First Light Watchtower

Seventeen Drowned today. Minor damage to my armor, will need to repair after this report. Spotting more of them grouping together, may indicate a change in their tactics?
More today than yesterday, but the same routine.

A Weather Eye

Found in First Light Watchtower

If I didn't know better, I'd think something was controlling those storms... as if they know when a ship is approaching. Being stationed on this beach, I've seen dozens of them spin up out of a clear blue sky. Something mighty strange is going on here.


A scrap of journal found at Ducan's Docket

I'm staying at the Docket for now, trying to figure out what to do next. It doesn't seem like anyone else made it to shore.
The leg is slowing me down less and less each hour, and if it keeps healing like this, I'll be walking by this evening, and running by morning. Unbelievable.

Relief Efforts

A chewed, yet legible, letter found near a Boar sounder in First Light

Watcher Linch -
Thank you for your meticulous reports regarding the Drowned situation, and if the situation is as dire as it sounds, we may need to investigate the possibilities of training additional Watchers for patrols. Your actions have been exemplary, and I appreciate your commitment to duty.

Magistrate Bond