Fall of Kelleher

Fall of Kelleher is a piece of Lore in New World MMORPG. It's a part of Tales of Everfall.


Found in Kelleher Farmstead

Something is different about Jennifer. She has never been eager to peddle our pumpkins at the settlement before, calling the trek there twice as boring as it is dangerous. Now she practically jumps at the opportunity to sell our wares. Her father suspects nothing, but a mother knows. Something has happened with our little girl, now a grown woman in her rights, that drives her away from the farm. The next time we go to the trading post I will be keeping a close eye on her activities and conversations... She looks like how I first felt when I met Michael in the Old World.

Sarah Kelleher

He's Different With Me

Found in Kelleher Farmstead

That gruff, tired-looking man who guards the Watchtower is different with me. He has seen so much death, so many adventurers wash upon his shores only to lose their minds and lives fighting off Drowned. Battleworn as he is, Reese always has a smile for me. I find myself longing to see that smile, longing to remove his helmet and see his face in its full, scarred glory. I dream of a day when I can walk the settlement together with him, arm-in-arm, so that everyone might see, even mother and father. For now, though, we exchange coded notes so that none can read what we wish to say to one another.

Jennifer Kelleher