Corrupted Musket

Corrupted Musket is a Tier 5 Common rarity musket in New World MMORPG. It has 500 - 600 Gear Score. Deals 80 damage. It will occupy 13.4 kg of capacity in your inventory.

The characteristics of this musket are scaling of 2 attributes: Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT).

Corrupted Musket
Gear Score
80 Base Damage
2% Critical Hit Chance
1.3 Critical Damage Multiplier
56 Block Stamina Damage
56 Stagger Damage
"Nik slept with one of these under his pillow. After a week he ran off into the woods while clawing his own eyes out... so maybe keep it in the closet at night instead, eh?"
Tier: 5
Scales with: Dexterity 90% Intelligence 65%
13.4 Weight